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What Are the Key Applications of PIF Manager Software?

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2023, 02:21 am

There are several rules and regulations for the food industry to which they have to comply. To aid the food businesses and companies all across Australia and New Zealand, the government has shared a document known as PIF (product information file). It is a tool that is designed for the industry and by the industry.

The document helps obtain and share information allowing the businesses to meet the codes and regulatory requirements regarding food ingredients and finished products.

What Is PIF Manager Software and How Does It Work?

Tools likeBizCapsPIF Manager Software offer a one-stop solution for businesses in the food industry, helping them streamline the process of reporting and recording product information through secure online portals. It is plain and easy to use and allows businesses to save money, time, and effort. Let’s look at some of the uses of PIF manager software.

What Are the Key Applications of PIF Manager Software?

Helps Streamline Compliance

Manually completing specifications in excel sheets, copying and pasting data to complete your PIF for the finished product can be time-consuming. The PIF Manager Software helps you through everything, ensuring compliance with the current food standards code and regulations. It saves a significant amount of your time as you don’t have to retype default and repetitive information.

Filling the PIF V5 and country of origin annex form is another task. PIF Manager Software helps you update by converting the existing PIF v5 format into a new online PIF v6.

Single Source of Information

PIF Manager Software offers a single platform for controlling the creation, assortment, maintenance, and exchange of PIFs in one place. For example, BizCaps software is a single portal for AFGC Authorised Food Data System, i.e., PIFs, FIFs, and PaSS. You no more have to worry about updating. Now, you don’t need to waste time scrolling through the V5 spreadsheet thinking about the wrong versions.

You just have to attach your relevant documents and certificates to the PIF, and they automatically update to the newer version. You can also review, update and resend your certificates and attachments. These documents are easily accessible and updated.

Offers Accurate, Searchable Data

PIF Manager Software offers a secured and centralized data repository for the PIF. So, it’s easier to access the data to find the latest information, finalise and approve it promptly. You can also control who is authorised to access the database and make changes.

All the fields are easily searchable,saving you enormous time that gets wasted searching for products when needed by the QA team or R&D team. You can even compare two PIFs to figure out the changes and variations between them. Besides, it allows for easier sending and receiving of PIFs.

Efficient tools like BizCaps software offers greater efficiency for food businesses. Its features and functionality make it a helpful tool. It has multi-language capability. As it is cloud-based, it is secure. It is password-protected and, therefore, safe to use.

You can set up sharing with customers and suppliers without worrying about data safety. This cloud-based software does not even need any infrastructure or system installation as it’s accessible through web browsers.

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