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Why Background Music is Essential for Building a Brand Identity and Customer Loyalty

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2023, 07:51 pm

What we hear makes the difference. Music has a profound effect on the human brain and behaviour, and businesses can use this to their advantage by carefully selecting the audio experience they provide for their customers and employees. Background music is not just a mere addition to a brand’s marketing strategy; it holds a crucial role in establishing brand identity and recall. Background music can have a significant impact on the cognitive and emotional responses of customers towards a brand. It can evoke positive emotions, create a lasting impression, and develop a unique personality for a brand.

Discover the advantages of incorporating personalized background music into your business. Learn how it can improve customer experience, enhance brand image, create a positive atmosphere and boost productivity.

What is the role of background music in branding?

Background music plays a crucial role in branding, as it helps create a memorable and emotional connection between consumers and a brand. It can significantly influence consumers’ perception of a brand and enhance the overall customer experience and influence purchasing decisions. From retail shops to digital media platforms, various marketing campaigns use background music to improve brand recognition and customer loyalty. Furthermore, background music is an effective way to create a consistent brand identity. By selecting appropriate music that resonates with a target audience, brands can differentiate themselves and stand out in a crowded market.

How does music create a sense of customer loyalty?

 Music influences our moods, behaviours and emotions and has captivating power that has been used to enhance customer experiences for decades. Music not only sets the tone for your business but also creates a unique atmosphere that customers can truly connect with. When used effectively, music can create a bond between a business and its customers, ultimately leading to customer loyalty. A carefully selected playlist can increase the positive perception of a brand and encourage customers to stay longer, spend more and come back again. In an industry where customer retention is critical, music can be a powerful tool in creating a lasting relationship between a business and its customers.

What types of music work best for branding?

The music that resonates with the target audience, communicates brand values, and creates an emotional connection is the one that works best. For instance, Jazz, Classical and instrumental music can work wonders for luxury brands, while upbeat fresh music is more suitable for youth-oriented, fast-paced brands. Therefore, understanding the target audience and aligning it with the music genre can help to create a brand experience that leaves a lasting impression. In conclusion, the key is to find music that reflects the brand’s personality and makes it easy for the audience to connect with the brand.

How do I find the right music for my brand?

As a brand owner or marketer, finding the right music to represent your brand is crucial in conveying the desired message and emotions to your target audience. The good news is, several avenues can help you search for the perfect sound. You can start by identifying your brand’s personality and values and finding music that aligns with them. Additionally, researching your audience and understanding their preferences can help guide your music selection.

How do I make sure my background music doesn’t annoy my customers?

While music can effectively set the tone and atmosphere of your establishment, it’s crucial to choose the right type of music that won’t distract or annoy your customers. The key is to choose music that is appropriate for your business and demographic. Consider the volume of the music and ensure it isn’t too loud for particular customer groups.  Monitor the tempo of the music considering what is not too fast or too slow, as it can negatively impact the mood of your customers. If the demographics are wide or you lack information on your target audience, the best advice would be to stick with something neutral. Additionally, consider conducting customer surveys to get feedback on the music you’re playing.

How often should I change my background music?

There is no rule for how often you should change your background music. The most common is to change music playlists once a month if music is used at the workplace or the establishment with often returning customers who spent more than one hour in your location like a coffee shop or restaurant.  If you are a grocery where customers pop in for daily but quick purchases you should consider changing music playlists at least once per two months. Despite the chosen frequency of playlists, changing it is recommended to follow seasonal, festive periods or upcoming events and promotions.

What are some other ways to use music to create a strong brand identity?

5 main Ways to use music creating a strong brand identity

  • Company sound logo. One of the ways to strengthen the brand is to create custom jingles, or in other words, a sound logo that embodies the brand’s values and messaging.
  • Background music in business locations and digital channels. Music can help to enhance the overall customer experience by creating custom playlists in physical locations or on digital channels. Background music in customer locations creates a memorable and distinctive identity for the brand.
  • Product or service campaigns with music. A strong brand should always consider using customized music and lyrics for its advertising campaigns. Incorporating music into a commercial or promotional video can create emotional connections with the viewer and leave a lasting impression of the brand.
  • Partnership with artists. Another way to exploit music to create a strong brand image is to partner with an artist or band whose music resonates with the brand’s values and aesthetics.
  • Curated playlists. A brand could curate a playlist or music library that reflects its brand personality on its website or famous platforms.

Are there any risks to using background music in branding?

The most common 4 risks

  • Music not aligned with overall branding. Choosing music that does not match other elements of the brand can mislead the branding telling different story and not keeping the same promise to costumers.
  • Associations with other brands. Choosing a popular song without considering its lyrics or associations with other brands. It’s important to ensure that the lyrics or message of the music aligns with the brand values and target audience’s sentiments.
  • Annoying and repetitive music. Another mistake is using repetitive or annoying jingles that can turn off potential customers.
  • Law infringement. Finally, failing to obtain the necessary licensing and permissions can result in legal issues and damage the brand’s reputation.

Employing music for business without professional advice can harm the brand’s image instead of strengthening it. Shakespeare Music is a team of music producers, music marketers and lawyers ensuring that music works in favour, leading to the creation of a stronger brand and increased customer engagement and loyalty. The right music can help convey a brand’s personality, values and messaging, ultimately leading to increased brand recognition and loyalty. Therefore, brands need to avoid DIY and invest in selecting music professionals that creates and choose music that aligns with their brand vision and objectives.

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