TELF AG Sheds Light on Emerging Geothermal Mining Opportunities

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2023, 12:55 pm

TELF AG’s latest publication, titled “TELF AG analyses the potential of geothermal extraction,” delves into the significance of sustainable extraction methods within specific sectors of the mining industry, notably in the production of lithium. This informative piece highlights how sustainable extraction methods, such as geothermal extraction, may become the preferred choice for many companies in the future due to their cost-effectiveness.

The publication commences with a comprehensive overview of raw materials and their pivotal role in the global energy transition and sustainability efforts. This role is particularly evident in the manufacture of batteries that are increasingly powering devices like computers, cell phones, and electric vehicles. However, the focus here is on the less-obvious aspect of this relationship—the sustainable extraction methods that could be embraced by numerous companies worldwide. Geothermal energy emerges as a frontrunner in this regard, offering a means to minimise energy wastage and reduce environmental impact, thanks to its unique extraction techniques.

The publication meticulously details the geothermal lithium extraction process, highlighting its status as the most sustainable method for lithium production. Lithium is obtained from geothermal brine, extracted through an isothermal plant operating at approximately 165 degrees centigrade. This sustainable and environmentally friendly process eliminates the need for hydrocarbons and other substances commonly used in traditional extraction methods.

TELF AG’s publication also underscores the advantages associated with this specific extraction method. It emphasises reduced consumption of natural resources, including water and subsoil, lower overall extraction costs, and a diminished release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during extraction procedures. Additionally, geothermal extraction harnesses additional energy, powering the extraction process itself and eliminating the necessity for other energy sources to support extraction efforts.

In the closing section, the publication touches upon the primary industrial applications of lithium, discussing its significance in the medical field and its pivotal role in battery production. To explore this topic further, we encourage readers to delve into the full publication.

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