Jill Rakusen’s Book Offers Lasting Companionship for Difficult Times

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2023, 08:24 am

Jill Rakusen, co-author of the classic ‘Our Bodies Ourselves’ and co-founder of the National Foundation for Giving Voice, has revealed her new guide to a unique approach to health and wellbeing. Titled ‘Unlocking the Power of Song: A Companion for Challenging Times’, the book is a self-directed resource that can help people nurture and cherish themselves and others, particularly during difficult times and in dealing with chronic illness.

The book has already received glowing reviews from readers. One said: “Every time I pick it up it falls open at a page that speaks to me … It’s a safe haven, to rest in. I feel more open to new ways of being. It’s an amazing book!” Another reader commented: “I am amazed at how, more than any other book I have ever seen anywhere, it is bursting with love, care and support … it’s a truly holistic tool.” Meanwhile, a mental health activist and former president of Mental Health Europe said, “This book means so much to me … it is already helping me to heal, and more. It’s wonderful. A masterpiece!”

Rakusen developed her approach after developing post-viral fatigue syndrome and discovering the transformative power of music. Even without singing a note, she found that song could offer a profound impact. She said, “As my life shrank to my four walls – and often to the size of my bed – a deep need was prompted in me, which is what led to my discoveries. The most profound ones occurred in silence. As I developed it, curiously, and perhaps paradoxically, this approach came to be known as ‘Giving Voice’”.

Rakusen, who is also a musician with several instrumental teaching and performing diplomas and an academic degree in music, is now offering her book to the public. It can be purchased directly from the National Foundation for Giving Voice for £25 (incl. UK P&P), with concessions available for those in difficult circumstances.

For more information, visit the National Foundation for Giving Voice website: https://www.givingvoicefoundation.org.uk/book-more-info.

Jill Rakusen, co-author of the classic ‘Our Bodies Ourselves’ and co-founder of the National Foundation for Giving Voice, has revealed her new guide to a unique approach to health and wellbeing. Titled ‘Unlocking the Power of Song: A Companion for Challenging Times’, the book has already received glowing reviews from readers and is a self-directed resource that can help people nurture and cherish themselves and others, particularly during difficult times and in dealing with chronic illness.

Rakusen developed her approach after developing post-viral fatigue syndrome and discovering the transformative power of music. Even without singing a note, she found that song could offer a profound impact. She said, “As my life shrank to my four walls – and often to the size of my bed – a deep need was prompted in me, which is what led to my discoveries. The most profound ones occurred in silence. As I developed it, curiously, and perhaps paradoxically, this approach came to be known as ‘Giving Voice’”.

Rakusen, an accomplished musician with several instrumental teaching and performing diplomas and an academic degree in music, is now offering her book to the public. It can be purchased directly from the National Foundation for Giving Voice for £25 (incl. UK P&P), with concessions available for those in difficult circumstances.

The National Foundation for Giving Voice is an educational charity that aims to illuminate the relationship between music and health and wellbeing. For more information, visit their website: https://www.givingvoicefoundation.org.uk/book-more-info. Jill Rakusen is available for interview – contact details can be found on the website.

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