Best Tips to Plan an Outdoor Trade Show

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2023, 06:18 am

Even though tradeshows aim at the same goals, how you make your booth and the things you bring can make a big difference and make you stand out from your competitors. When planning a trade show event, there are various things you should bring along to ensure you have a successful event. The following are crucial tips when planning your next outdoor trade show.

Protect Yourself and Items from the Sun

You will notice that most trade show events occur during summer when the weather is warm. That means you should put this element in mind when planning your show. Remember, too much exposure to the sun can damage your items and make your booth uncomfortable and uninviting. Therefore, when holding an outdoor trade show, ensure you have a tent to protect the exhibit. An excellent option can be pagoda tents since they come in different shapes and sizes. Pagoda tents are the best option for outdoor trade fairs to protect your staff and goods and make your booth attractive.

Plan for the Weather

Sun is not the only weather element you should plan for. The weather can be unpredictable, so you need to be prepared for anything. Plan how you will deal with the wind or keep your items safe and your booth accessible in case it rains. When designing the booth, choose pagoda tents since they are strong enough to hold the wind and covered to protect from the rain.

Look After Your Staff

Your trade show staff is crucial, just like your booth design. The team will help make a difference and get as many leads as possible. Therefore, ensure they are comfortable and looked after. Ensure you provide light clothes to keep them comfortable in the summer heat. If it will be rainy or cold, invest in heavy jackets and ensure they have the company logo and theme colors. Your staff will need breaks during the trade show. So, plan how they will work to provide more downtime. Ensure you also bring a cooler with some drinks to cool off from the hot weather.

Visit the Exhibit Venue

Outdoor trade fairs are different from indoor shows. With indoor displays, you have a defined space where you can put your tent. However, with outdoor shows, you choose where to erect your tent and the size. There are rules and regulations you still must follow. It will be a good idea to visit the place before the event begins. This way, you will know the rules and choose the best location for your booth.

Carry Food

This is a no-brainer point but vital if you want to have the most active staff in your trade show. As mentioned earlier, a cooler full of drinks will do. Remember also to bring snacks and food to keep your team nourished. Your staff should be well-fed and well-hydrated to work at their best.

Bottom Line!

Planning a trade show is easy if you know what you want. The most crucial thing is to work on your booth design and protect your items and staff from weather elements by investing in quality pagoda tents. Ensure the team is well catered for by providing the right clothes, food, and drinks.

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