Tips for Hiring Mechanics for Your Auto Repair Business

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2023, 01:14 pm

A mechanic is different from your usual employee. They keep vehicles running by ensuring they’re well maintained by conducting repairs whenever necessary. This means the safety of your clients largely relies on them doing their job well. And with so many road crashes, you don’t want to take chances.

According to the National Safety Council, of all vehicle crashes, 9% involve large trucks, even though they comprise 4% of all registered vehicles. So, when hiring mechanics for your auto repair shop, you can’t take chances. Every hire must be competent enough to hit the ground running, although you’ll still be able to train them further. Below are five tips to help you hire the best mechanics for your auto repair business.

1. Know What to Look For

First, prepare a detailed job description for what you’re looking for in the new mechanics. The ideal candidate must know their trade well. They’ll need to know what it takes to handle clients’ vehicles.

Knowledge of the trade is also critical, especially with the rising adoption of electric cars. They must understand modern vehicle systems, such as ADAS (advanced driver assistance) features. So, the new mechanics must be familiar and proficient with these technologies.

Besides knowledge and proficiency with new vehicle technologies, a good mechanic must have excellent problem-solving skills. In your auto shop, things might sometimes threaten to get out of hand, or you’ll have instances when someone needs to make decisions in a highly charged environment. Look out for a mechanic’s ability to quickly take charge and think on their feet to make the right decision every time so you don’t lose business.

Of all small businesses, 29% fail after running out of capital. With suitable mechanics, yours won’t be part of this statistic. Another attribute to look out for is their attention to detail.

If left unattended, a seemingly-inconsequential fault in a vehicle could spiral into a critical problem. The mechanic’s ability to quickly spot these issues and recommend the appropriate course of action to the client is crucial. They can use a DVI device to visually demonstrate to clients what’s wrong with their car, helping you up-sell and enhance client confidence in your services. Getting such a mechanic is not easy, so if you get one, don’t waste time. Hire them.

2. Advertise Strategically

Although posting a job ad in the dailies is excellent, go further and advertise on social media; that’s where you’ll find young technicians. If you do it right, you’ll attract new mechanics and more customers to your auto repair business. Among the best places to advertise are Auto Job Central, FleetJobs, Automotive News, and

You can also tap talent from the nearby tech schools to attract new talent. Job boards are other ideal places to place ads, but ensure they promote technical jobs, as posting on the wrong job board is counterproductive.

3. Sound Off Your Network

You already know the auto repair business enough to have your own company. You have a strong network of other colleagues in the industry. Send word out that you’re looking to recruit mechanics for your business.

According to CNBC, there’s good reason for sounding off your networks, as 80% of new hires come from professional and personal networks. Besides, applicants from your professional and personal networks are more credible, as they’ve been referred by people conversant with the industry.

4. Prepare for Interviews

Your advertising strategy has worked; the crucial part begins now. Knowing what questions to ask is essential, which entails preparing detailed interview questions. Make the questions open-ended to avoid basic yes and no answers.

Check the mechanic’s body language to establish if they exude an air of confidence or do they look overwhelmed. Ask them harder, probing questions to establish their critical thinking abilities. A set of prepared questions help you to stay focused during the interview.

With so many road accidents, you can’t take chances when recruiting new auto mechanics. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the U.S. reports nearly 6 million vehicle accidents yearly. The Institute also asserts that high-speed collisions, fender benders, negligence, and the weather are the leading causes of auto body damage.

Be intentional about the process and advertise in all the right places, and when they come for the interviews, have a set of prepared questions that seek to establish the depth of their knowledge and experience. Lastly, incentivize the star candidates with on-the-job training and work-life balance offers. Congratulations on your new hire.

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