“Google’s New AI Feature Causes Social Media Frenzy as Users Attempt to Stick Cheese to Pizza and Eat Rocks”

Google’s new AI-powered search feature, AI Overview, has come under fire for providing inaccurate responses to some users’ questions. The feature, which was rolled out across the US last week and became available to some users in the UK last month, is designed to make searching for information simpler. However, since its launch, several examples of erratic behavior have surfaced on social media.

In one instance, the AI appeared to tell users to mix glue with cheese to make it stick to pizza. The response even gave specific instructions, stating “You can also add about cup of non-toxic glue to the sauce to give it more tackiness.” This recommendation was sourced from a joke Reddit post from 11 years ago and should not be followed as eating glue is dangerous.

Another response from AI Overview claimed that only 17 of the 42 US presidents were white. This blunder caught the attention of Twitter user Bobby Allyn, who sarcastically commented, “I’m learning a lot about American history with Google’s AI Overview.” The feature also falsely stated that former US president Barack Obama is Muslim, perpetuating the untrue conspiracy theories that circulated during his time in office.

In another troubling example, AI Overview provided an incorrect answer to the question “what is the safe temperature for cooking chicken”. Instead of the correct answer of 73.9 degrees Celsius, the response showed 38 degrees Celsius. Eating chicken that is not cooked to the proper temperature can lead to dangerous illnesses.

The feature also suggested that users should eat “at least one small rock a day”, citing “UC Berkeley geologists” as its source. This recommendation, according to user Heshiebee, is said to contain important vitamins and minerals for digestive health. However, Google reminds users that this response is not to be taken seriously as eating rocks can be dangerous and even fatal.

A Google spokesperson responded to these examples, stating that they are not representative of the overall performance of the AI Overview tool. “The examples we’ve seen are generally very uncommon queries, and aren’t representative of most people’s experiences,” they said. “The vast majority of AI Overviews provide high quality information, with links to dig deeper on the web. We conducted extensive testing before launching this new experience to ensure AI overviews meet our high bar for quality.”

Google also reassured that they are taking action against any violations of their policies and are continuously working to improve the overall performance of the feature. In the meantime, users are advised to use caution when relying on AI Overview for information and to seek out additional sources for confirmation.

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