RAC Travel Insurance

Brexit vote prompts holiday #brexodus

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2023, 06:58 am

Hotels.com reveals increase in search for Hotels on day of Brexit vote

With polling day rapidly approaching, UK holidaymakers have been searching for a break from Brexit according to new data from leading booking site Hotels.com™.

Year on year search data shows that there has been more than a 35% increase in Brits looking to go on holiday on June 23rd than this day last year, meaning many travellers may miss the polls in a mass Brexodus.

With neither side commanding a clear lead and with uncertainty surrounding the implications of a Brexit, it seems that some Brits are looking to make a break for the beach over the polling booth.

Simon Matthews, Senior PR Manager at Hotels.com Brand said;

“Whether it’s the frankly abysmal weather we’ve been having or a desire to get away from all the talk of Brexit, we’ve definitely noticed an increase in UK searches for hotel check-ins on the day of the EU Referendum. It looks like some Brits might prefer to join the Brexodus to sunnier climes.”

This sentiment is supported by the locations of the surging search data. There has been an almost 100% increase in searches to Barcelona, around 70% increase in people looking to book Amsterdam and nearly 75% increase in searches for the German capital of Berlin. Conversely, non-EU destinations such as New York (Nearly 30%), Las Vegas (approximately 20%) and Tokyo (about 30%) are not quite as high in the search rankings.

Finally, a drop in search to UK destinations further highlights that these search patterns are linked to Brits looking to join the Brexodus. Searches for Edinburgh (over -30%), Manchester (almost -20%) and Glasgow (about -5%) in the same period all declined compared to the same time last year.

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